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Slavisches Seminar

Gastvortrag von Prof. John Payne

Am Dienstag, 22. Mai 2012 hat Prof. John Payne von der University of Manchester einen Gastvortrag zum Thema "Salvic numeral constructions revisited" gehalten.

Inhalt: It is well-known that numeral constructions in Slavic, as well as a variety of other language families including Uralic and Semitic, exhibit an interesting phenomenon in which numerals appear to govern the case and/or number of the nouns and adjectives with which they cooccur. Such constructions raise the question of whether the numeral rather than the noun should be considered as the head of the phrase, rather than as a dependent of the noun. In this paper, I present a new feature-based analysis of case and number which enables the noun to maintain its status as head.