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Slavisches Seminar

Associated Projects

The conference is organized by two projects currently active at the Slavic Department:

TraCeBa - (Dis-)entangling Traditions on the Central Balkans: Performance and Perception
The team explores converging and diverging tendencies in linguistic and cultural practices in the Central Balkans, in light of various kinds of boundaries that cross this area. The focus is on the Torlak region, which represented a linguistic and cultural unit until 1878, but which since the end of the 19th century has been divided by the Serbian-Bulgarian political boundary. It is a three-year project (July 2018 – July 2021) within the ERA.Net RUS Plus sub-programme of the FP7/Horizon 2020 programme.

Ill-Bread Sons: family and friends: the multiple affiliations of Balkan Slavic
The project focuses on a set of morphosyntactic Balkan Slavic innovations and their diffusion and integration into the South Slavic system from a diatopic and diachronic perspective by contrasting Torlak with the surrounding varieties and by drawing on evidence from pre-standardised vernacular sources. It is a four-year project (July 2018 – June 2022) funded by the SNF.

Organising committee:

Teodora Vuković
Anastasia Makarova
Barbara Sonnenhauser